About Me

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Hi I'm fatin . definitely not your average girl. awesomely random . i'll speak up only when i need to . i love to write and i love to take pictures . writing and photography are my sweet escape . though i am not a professional writer or photographer, but i do believe that we should always do what we love the most :) enjoy reading and sorry if any of my post may offended you or smething . hey i'm a blogger, i write stuffs hahaha

Happy merdekaraya people!

*gambar hiasan HAHA

Assalamualaikum yaw! well it's about time :D hehe raya is just around the corner and about to be here soon :) cepat kan masa jalan ? haritu baruu start puasa ni tiba2 nk raya dah haha well, maybe it's true what people say ---> time flies when we enjoy it hehe ha ! fyi, bilik wa yg mcam zoo tu dh siap kemas licin hehe siap sparkling you, sampai klau nk masuk kena pejam mata sbb bersinar sgt bersihnya haha ooookay, ignore that, merepek je -.- 

look what i did :D from this

to THIS tadaaa haha
see that ? i did that myself! muahaha. without anyone's help including bibik :D who said i can't do the house chores huh ? who says who says ur not perfect ~ whosays ur not worth it ~ whosayss *singing haha take that huh! haha

okay2 nowwww , back to the topic, what's the common questions that people usually ask among themselves every raya? hehehh hm let's see :

1st : eh baju raya warna apa ?
# warnawarnii . mcam pelangi you . 14 warna . kau ada ?

2nd : duit raya dapat berapa ? hihi
 # berapa2 je la . yg penting lebih byk dr kau haha *bluek

3rd : masak banyak ke tahun ni ?
# sikit je, 5 ekor lembu kteorg dh sembelih dh nk bt rendang . kau rasa cukup tak ?

4th : baju berapa pasang ada ?
# kenapa? nk sponsor 5 pasang baju raya untuk kita lettuw kaan :'> heh

5th : raya mana taun ni ?
# klau cheq bgtau nk raya kt Nepal, hang msti nk ikutkn? so better cheq takyah bgtau haha

6th : nak datang raya rumah bole ?
# please do come :) nk dtg, dtg je la takyah nk tanya. spe tanya lepas ni aku bg tapak kaki

7th : open house tak buat ?
# kalau kau nk dtg aku buat untk kau sorg jelah *matakeatas,tangankedada

motif ? hahaha takda motif  :P

Well, on this joyful eid mubarak, i/my/me/mine, Fatin Nur Atikah daughter of En. Nazli Shah Mohd Noor &  kak sal Pn. Salmah Bt Misbun dan elder sis of Sophilea Amira yg ronggak ingin menyusun 20 jari *trmasuk jari kaki memohon maaf kalau ada pernah terlepas cakap, terlepas tangan, terlepas kaki, terlepas apa2 lah yg mungkin ada merobek dan mencengkam kalbu, perasaan, jiwa dan raga sesiapa,*kemaiiin . ikhlas dari hati kita yg kecik ni :) arrgh tak sabanya nak raya ! *tibe2 .


 I'm an ordinary human being who always mistakes just like other people. again, i'm sorry :)
May Allah accept all of our good deeds that we've done throughout our life, and may Allah reward all of you with joy and prosperity amin SELAMAT HARI RAYA

and ohmyfreakingodddddd i forgot somethin, SELAMAT HARI MERDEKA jugak yaw ! haha . be proud to call yourself a Malaysian okaay hehe :D jangan nk ingt negara kafir je :P wek

and don't forget happy Merdeka !

p/s : raya, raya jugak . merdeka, merdeka jugak . budak2 SPM, trial jgan lupa woi ! buku mana buku ? haha