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Hi I'm fatin . definitely not your average girl. awesomely random . i'll speak up only when i need to . i love to write and i love to take pictures . writing and photography are my sweet escape . though i am not a professional writer or photographer, but i do believe that we should always do what we love the most :) enjoy reading and sorry if any of my post may offended you or smething . hey i'm a blogger, i write stuffs hahaha

graduation daaayyyy

Date : 22th October 2011,Saturday
Venue : school hall

Assalamualaikum babes and dudes haha. well, here's a story i want to share with you guys. hmm let see, last saturday, our senior batch, had our graduation daayyy haha. yeah you heard me, GRADUATION DAY. kau ada? haha jkjk. it was fun,everything went well. we had our moment and alhamdulillah we are officially graduated haha! ohh yeaah. we took tons of pictures yaw HAHA but i warn you, this post is gonna be quite long one okay hahhaa so better think twice before you scroll down hehe

here's some photoss,take a looooooook. peace!

with me mami and dadi <3 ohh and mia too haha. gua senyum kambeng

my soulsister hahaha yo kakak! hahahhaa

hi, we're from Hogward and i am Hermoine  -____- haha

my beloved classmates <3 except for Aza and Ujai. woi sebok ah haha

meet my boprengg, Wye Keet HANDSOME haa *cair*
gua senyum trpaksa -_______-
ni self-captured haha.gedik habis, yela dh tkde sapa nk tgkpkan kaaaan :| pdhl je

atoto tuit tan titew owang hihikzzz haha

i look like teacher's adopted daughter hahaha. how sweet hehehehe kau ada?

my lovely lil sister and my big big sister hahaha

with ah pon pon haha

hmm well after the ceremony ended, we gathered at the school field for our OWN photo session hahaha! we bought balloons and asked Ieja and the friends to blow the balloon for us while the ceremony is going on hehe. thanks ieja for your help,wlaupun tkdpt upah ----> tgkap gmba dgn Wye Keet hahahaha. here's the result

This is what we call 1 Malaysia hahahha msti PM Najib bangga klau dia tgok gamba ni :') 

 The looks & pose that could KILL hahaha

gamba wajib ---> lu langsi lu pengsan

wakil nasyid skola hahahhaa. hamboih, oke bakalaukauuuu

acah2 shuweet je dgn belon2 hahahahahha #matakeatastgnkebahu
pdhl tak sweet lgsung,mnyampah ado haha

haaaa that's it hahaha. told you it's was a long post haha. may the memories of our friendship last eternally:') Amiiiinn. haha well, enough of having fun, now concentrate on the upcoming SPM! haiya so frustrating meh -.- SPM is about to come soon ggrr. veryy very verryy soooon -.- i hate countdowns haha. by now i think i shouldn't online but what can i say haha. the social networks are so addictive! i can't help myself from getting away from the keyboard! hahahaha. well,boi see ya soon.