About Me

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Hi I'm fatin . definitely not your average girl. awesomely random . i'll speak up only when i need to . i love to write and i love to take pictures . writing and photography are my sweet escape . though i am not a professional writer or photographer, but i do believe that we should always do what we love the most :) enjoy reading and sorry if any of my post may offended you or smething . hey i'm a blogger, i write stuffs hahaha

say whuuut? hahaha

Hi guys! Assalamualaikuuuum. tak jawab dosa kalau jawab sayang haha
*mcam Maria Elena dah 

Ohmygoat seriously it's been ages since i last updated my blog hahahahhaa. i was quite busy lately and takde masa nak update. my blog was abandoned haha kesiaaan. so, now i'm working at the PizzaHut Delivery Bandarbaru Ampg dengan fifa and illy. fifa jd akak cashier, while illy and i duduk bahagian kitchen ahakzz hahah. dah nearly a month la kami keje kt situ hee. dh keje pun kat pizza en, so staff meal kami hari2 pun mkn pizza jeleww, tak pun speggeti. serious dh muak. k enough abt that. 

Now what. hm noww i've settled my pssport nk fly ke somewhere which i barely know where will we be heading haha sbb mama tanak bgtau -.-' acah2 suprise lah kononnya erkk. ee i don't like surprises. k fine maa. byk tmpat dia ckp, kejap london, kejap indon, kejap australia  kejap vietnam hahaha vietnam punbole~ mama ckp nk pi msuk bwh tanah tgok kt mne tentera vietnam dulu mnyorok kat bwh tanah mse perang dulu. wadehel. seriously ma, nak main2 pun agak2 ah hahaha. 

hm what else. aha! i heard that spm result tahun ni kluar 22nd March. betul ka? hahaha. well i'm not really prepared untuk amik result saya sbb saya tau result spm saya mesti hancur. saya dh fed up sbb math haritu saya ada buat byk careless mistake. gggrrr. ye  math. saya dh la lembab bab2 nk kira2 ni. serious benci math haha. kesian illy, amik result time birthday hahahahahahaha. bersabarlah kawan :P tk sabar tggu time nk amik result nnti. bole kumpul balik dgn geng2 lama heee. serious RINDU GILA kat korg. betul tak tipu. hmm rindu zam, syahndah, una, yani, adina, afiera, aza, sudeh, mat, faha, fana, aizal, classmates, semua lah! illy dgn pah tk rindu sbb hari2 tgok muka dieorg. smpai bosan dah tau? duhh~ haha! lol 

wah byak dah aku merepek. i think i better stop hahaha. sebelum lg byak melalut. so bye!